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Writer's pictureKeith

Weekly Activities - Spring Scavenger Hunt


This week’s activity was about spring and what we could find in nature during this season.

Links to EYFS:

· Personal, Social and Emotional Development

· Communication and Language

· Physical Development

· Literacy

· Mathematics

· Understanding of the World

· Expressive Arts and Design


This week’s activity was about spring and what we could find in nature during this season e.g. buds on tree branches, blossom, what type of birds we could see and we posed some questions such as "is it warmer or colder now?" and "Is it lighter or darker in the mornings?". For the activity, we hid some bundles around the nursery and challenged the children to try to find them. Each bundle had a wooden label on it with a painted picture of what was inside the bundle. On the other side of the wooden labels were different punctuations marks which prompted a discussion with some of the children - when do we use a question mark? What is an exclamation mark! Each bundle contained a photo and some information relating to what the photo was of e.g. we had a photo of a fox, some information about foxes such as - what do they eat, where do they live, etc. The other bundles contained information about: frogs, hedgehogs, robins, blue tits, snowdrops and violets. Also inside the bundles were sheets with pictures of items the children needed to try to find so they could then tick them off as they found them.

This activity helped the children to learn more about nature, the seasons, natural life and growth and decay. The bundles contained different animals and flowers so they could gain a better understanding of different types of biological life cycles. They were also encouraged to try and identify some of animals, birds and flowers in various books that we read together.

Home Activity:

Organise your own scavenger hunt with you child either in your garden, in a park or local woodland. Challenge them to find certain objects or animals such as worms, slugs, beetles, moss, ivy, various birds, or anything else you can think of. Once they have found the item, look up information about it and talk to your child about it i.e. try to engage and encourage their enthusiasm for nature! Perhaps ask them to try and draw a picture of it and upload the results to Tapestry so we can show the other children their pictures.

Photos of the Activity:


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