Book of the week
I Love You to the Moon and Back by Amelia Hepworth and Tim Warnes.
When the sun comes up, Big Bear and Little Bear think of new ways to share their love. Big Bear loves Little Bear more and more as each day passes, right up to each new moon – and back. A joyful celebration of the love between parent/carer and child.
We started by asking the children to think of a special person they would like to make their card and keyring for. We asked them what makes the person special and what nice things the person does for them (which we made a note of). We asked them how are they going to decorate it/drawing/sticking/painting etc? We set about making card first and then we wrote what they had said previously about the person in the card. They then wrote their name at the bottom. During the activity we discussed how big the key ring is going to be (thick/thin, big/small etc), how we are going to use the tools in a safe way.
To make the keyring we started by sawing a disc of wood using a hand saw. We decorated the disc and then drilled a hole for the carabiner to loop through. We used a hole punch to make holes in the card and either threaded some wool through the holes and attached it to the carabiner or attached the carabiner straight onto the card.
Aims and Objectives
Moving and handling (fine and gross motor skills)
Using the tools safely
Mathematical development
Exploring using media and materials
Turn taking
Home Activity
Here are a few ideas for you and your child to spend some time together in the great outdoors. Try to involve your child in every aspect of the activities and you'll be surprised at how capable they are! e.g. choosing/preparing the food, letting them manage their own risk (while still under supervision) and helping to put up the tent.
1. Picnic in the Garden
Get the children involved in preparing healthy foods for a picnic in the garden or another safe outdoor space. Enjoy the change of scenery and fresh food prepared!
2. Tree Climbing
Tree climbing is great for confidence. In forest school we have simple guidelines;
Climb on branches thicker than your forearm
Do not climb underneath someone
Climb to your head height

3. Back Garden Camping
Pitch up your tent or make your own den to sleep in. If it goes wrong or gets too cold at least home isn’t far away! Don’t forget to star gaze and take in the dusk and sunrise experiences.